
In Case You Missed It: Launch Links - Week of July 29, 2018

  • 8.3.2018

Some interesting links we found across the web this week:

Term Sheet Template: What Entrepreneurs Should Include
are where the real action happens in most VC financings. Knowing the mechanics backwards-and-forwards can make all the difference. Forbes provides a guide to getting right (or at least knowing them better). You can also check out all the term sheet info we have here on the site.

$1 to $1 Billion: A 4-Stage Formula for Company Growth
For those secret mathletes that want a formula to success, Entrepreneur explains the way to grow your Company 1x10^9x. Only one way to prove whether this formula really works—try it out.

Why Pitching Your Product Is Not Enough For Investors
Hint: it’s the difference between “what” you’re selling and “why” anyone would buy it. There are plenty of beautifully designed products in search for a problem to solve and some much more successful okay products fixing real pain-points.

Go Midwest, young fintechs
New York is the center of the universe for finance and a hub for fintech innovation, but now fintech companies are looking west of NYC (no, not Hoboken) for new opportunities.

Links compiled by Bill Warren.