
In Case You Missed It: Launch Links - Week of November 29, 2015

  • 12.4.2015

Some interesting links we found across the web for this week:

Eight Questions About Friday’s Net Neutrality Hearing 
Net neutrality implicates every everywhere. Although comprehensive regulation of the Internet could set a dangerous precedent, the FCC may be best positioned to keep the broadband playing field level between smaller companies and tech titans. The Commission is in court today for its second appeal of a ruling that invalidated net neutrality earlier this year. Catch up on the issue with this Q&A from The New York Times.

Information Sharing Bill Draws Near, But... 
Elsewhere in DC, lawmakers and lobbyists draw closer to a new cybersecurity law that could expand information sharing for national security purposes, likely prompting tech opposition. In light of recent global tragedies, the “privacy versus security” debate seems unlikely to subside. Click through to The Wall Street Journal link toward the bottom of the article for similar news from the European Union.

Stanford’s Business School Tells M.B.A.s to Wait on Startups (Registration required) 
Eager MBA students are being reined in by top schools in response to a saturated market and, in some cases, underdeveloped ideas. But will their warnings fall on deaf ears?

State of Startups 2015 
As the new year approaches, take a look back at this survey of hundreds of founders on the current state of the ecosystem. The vast majority fear the bubble…

The End Of The Startup Gold Rush, Absurd Burn Rates And Tourist VCs 
…But it’s not all gloom and doom. Great perspective on cycles of risk preference from a seasoned VC.

The Bold Idea Behind a Small Brooklyn School 
And finally, a story from our own backyard. The -like, tech-focused, experimental private school network AltSchool has arrived in New York, promoting personalized learning, micro-classrooms, flexible scheduling, and apps and tablets galore. Hefty tuition bills make the school fairly exclusive for now, but its results could have a profound impact on public education in the years to come.

Links compiled by Jared Brenner.