I like working with because the guidance and counseling that we provide can often shape companies. I also love learning from entrepreneurs, not only about the substance behind their ventures, but also how they think about the legal landscape in the decisions that they face.
Off the Clock: My wife and I have three kids under ten, and so I spend much of my time outside of work chasing them on skis and watching them in their extracurricular activities. We also love to travel when we can.
Books and Podcasts: I typically go with Moneyball (book) – I love books that dive into familiar activities (here, baseball) and teach us something new. The podcast that I recommend is How I Built This.
Mergers, Acquisitions, Venture Capital Financings,
Life Sciences: Biotech, Healthcare, Pharmaceutical
Technology: Big Data, Consumer, Digital Media, Ed Tech, Fin Tech, Mobile, Telecom, Infrastructure, Services, Software (includes SAAS and Cloud computing)