
In Case You Missed It: Launch Links - Week of September 9, 2018

  • 9.14.2018

Some interesting links we found across the web this week:

What Would a Blockchain Patent War Look Like? 
Large corporations have begun to patent blockchain technologies relating to their core businesses. Patent trolls are looming. And are taking less precautions to protect their innovation. Get a glimpse of the potential battlefield in this article by Techcrunch.

“Golden Period” for Space Startup Investment Continues 
Space Force, but for . The past 18 months have seen significant growth for space ventures. The money pouring into space has prompted technical development, but is growth included in this package? Check out this Space News article.

How to Determine the Amount to Raise in Your Round 
You have to spend money to make money, but exactly how much should you raise? Map your course and cash burn to your next milestone with these considerations from Forbes in mind. 

What Does it Take to Raise Your Next Round in 2018? 
The color orange is the new black, and in funding Series A is the new Series B. Check out these detailed metrics from Crunchbase on what it takes to raise your next round in today’s financing landscape.

Links compiled by Morgan Monroe.