
In Case You Missed It: Launch Links - Week of February 10, 2019

  • 2.15.2019

Some interesting links we found across the web this week:

5 Unmistakable Benefits of Being a Solo Entrepreneur
Thinking about becoming a solo entrepreneur? Although the initial stages of the world can be daunting, going in with a partner may not always be the best solution. Check out this article from Entrepreneur to learn more about the often over looked benefits to going solo.

10 Ways to Improvise, Thrive and Survive in a Startup
Starting your own business can be challenging. This AlleyWatch article discusses easy ways to improve the culture of your business and empower those around you to want to create a successful business.

Study Highlights Accelerators’ Use in Promoting Regional Entrepreneurs 
Does location impact the success of your company? Check out this article by Business News Daily to read more about a new study that shows the real impact of being located close to a accelerator program. Being located close to an accelerator may be the difference that helps you meet your entrepreneurship goals.

Why Venture Capitalists Love FinTechs
Looking to start a company that will actually get VC funding? FinTech might be the answer. Check out this article from American Banker to see the increase in FinTech funding over the few years. But beware, FinTech’s may soon feel pressure to comply with regulations similar to that of big banks.

ICOs Alive and Well as Crypto Startups Go After Wealthy Buyers
What happened to crypto? Don’t worry, it’s still here, and so is the ICO market. Read this Bloomberg article to see the latest trends in cryptocurrency before you determine whether crypto is right for you or your business. 

Links compiled by Alexandra Noymer.