In Case You Missed It: Launch Links - Week of June 13, 2021
- 6.17.2021
Some interesting links we found across the web this week:
No, NFTs Aren’t Copyrights
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) seem like a viable way for artists to sell art online. But to what extent does this new crypto asset class fall in the current regulatory system? This TechCrunch article not only explains the differences between NFTs and copyright law but also looks at what NFT platforms would need to become more viable.
Teaching Startup: Here’s How to Get a Venture Capital Investor’s Attention
Many entrepreneurs wonder how to get funding for their company. This article from WRAL TechWire gives advice to first time entrepreneurs from venture capitalists, investors, and a seasoned entrepreneur. Among the key things to consider are when to raise money, who to raise money from, having a spending plan, and fostering relationships.
For Startups, Benefits of Non-Dilutive Funding Extend Far Beyond Cash
Non-dilutive funding sources such as federal or industry partnerships do not get as much attention as venture capital backed fundraising. This article by MedCityNews looks at the often overlooked benefits of these sources of funding.
Want to Diversify Your Board? This CEO Says It’s Not That Hard to Do
California’s new law requiring public companies headquartered in the state to appoint two or three women (depending on the size of the board) had a San Francisco based company looking for women with the expertise they needed on their board. In this Fortune article, CEO of the real estate tech company debunks the narrative that diversifying your board is difficult.
Links compiled by Elijah Soko.