In Case You Missed It: Launch Links - Week of October 18, 2015
- 10.23.2015
Some interesting links we found across the web for this week:
A Very Simplified + Formulaic Way To Raise Your Seed Round
An actually simple and actually formulaic analysis of how to build a seed round that’s...well…actually on point. Follow-able advice from SocialRank co-founder Alexander Taub.
The collapse of the US-EU Safe Harbor: Solving the new privacy Rubik’s Cube
Microsoft Chief Legal Officer Brad Smith thoughts on the recent collapse of the US-EU privacy that facilitated trans-Atlantic transfers of consumer data. Now, Smith argues, in order to protect privacy as a “fundamental human right” we’re going to need some new arrangements. Smith a four part plan. Timely stuff.
Why I'm Not Moving My Startup To San Francisco
Shlomi Nissan, founder of 1Byte Beta, explains how Malcolm Gladwell’s writing convinced him of the benefits of playing big-fish-in-a-small-pond. The disruptive force present in this article? Modesty. How shocking.
Investors Strike Back on Silicon Valley Valuations
The Wall Street Journal blog covers the plunging valuations of you’ve heard of. A good reason to take a peak back into those anti- provisions your lawyer told you about during your last financing. Forgot how those work? Let our resident guru Rosemary Reilly explain it to you in 2 minutes or less.
Links compiled by former Associate Daniel Doktori.