
In Case You Missed It: Launch Links - Week of December 25, 2016

  • 12.30.2016

Some interesting links we found across the web this week:

WTF is a Liquidation Preference?
Hint: It’s not something you forgot from 10th grade chemistry or that you’re asked about by a mixologist at a fancy cocktail bar. A solid understanding of preferences will help you avoid any surprises if your gets sold. 

Real Success in Silicon Valley Comes From Rejecting Almost Everything Shiny You Hear About It
Don't believe the hype. Quartz reminds us that success usually follows after the “Dark Night of the Soul,” if at all. Many talented entrepreneurs and high-potential companies never make it past their first round of funding. Sometimes the most valuable asset provided by investors is support and mentorship.

Predictions 2017: The Year of IoT, Self-Serve Software and the Data Protection Officer
SiliconANGLE peers into its crystal ball and predicts what trends will get the most attention next year. Only one way to find out if they're right...

Hard Truths and Tips About Borrowing From Friends and Family
All money comes with strings attached. When it comes to debt or equity financing from friends and family, things get personal quickly. Entrepreneur advice for raising money from friends and family without ruining every future family dinner.

Embracing Bad Ideas to Get to Good Ideas
The road to the next game-changing idea is likely littered with bad ones. The Harvard Business Review discusses how bad ideas and ideas that don’t scale often provide a great launching off point for discovering adjacent opportunities (e.g. companies should focus less on “wasting” money and more on learning from what does and doesn’t work). 
What Top Silicon Valley Investors Expect in 2017
One last 2017 prediction. VentureBeat collects thoughts from some prominent VCs on their expectations for next year.

Links compiled by Bill Warren.