
In Case You Missed It: Launch Links - Week of June 11, 2017

  • 6.16.2017

Some interesting links we found across the web this week:

How Virtual Teamwork Can Deliver Startup Success
Forbes provides several ’ guidelines for successfully running virtual teams. 

When and Why Co-Founders Should Stop Managing Their Company Founders often want to stay involved in management to foster growth, but Entrepreneur explains why it may be time to delegate in order to achieve progress.

What This Dutch Entrepreneur Learned by Launching a Washing-Machine Startup in India
Moving beyond the comfort zone develops new perspective and business savvy. Fast Company provides an entrepreneur’s reflections on lessons learned abroad and how they apply even when close to home.

Congress’ instinct for self-preservation could save late-stage startups
VentureBeat details how new bills on taxation, infrastructure and Dodd Frank reform could push some late-stage to go public.

Links compiled by Nicolette Anagnos.