SCALE: Are You Running Your Business or is it Running You?

SCALE: Are You Running Your Business or is it Running You?

  • 8.12.2016 | - 2:00 AM
  • WeWork South Station 745 Atlantic Avenue Boston, MA 02111

This presentation helps participants learn to implement a simple "way of operating" that helps leadership teams clarify, simplify and achieve their vision. In this value-packed workshop, attendees learn to see their businesses in a whole new light and to achieve better results through strengthening the Six Key Components of a truly great organization. The outcome creates alignment and synchronizes all the pieces of your business to produce the results you want.

Attendee Value and Takeaways:

  • Review the Six Key Components of top companies: Vision, People, Data, Issues, Process and Traction
  • Learn a powerful tool to clarify and achieve your vision
  • Work with two simple tools that will get the right people in the right seats
  • Build the right company scorecard to deliver an absolute pulse on your business
  • Master practical tools that successful entrepreneurs use to get more done